My Services

This holistic health practice offers integrative services including chiropractic adjustment to improve joint function, Thai stretch therapy to increase mobility, acupressure based on Chinese medicine to balance energy flow, and Reiki energy healing to restore well-being on all levels. A compassionate, whole-body approach to wellness.


As a chiropractor, I take a whole-person approach to understand and support each individual's unique health and wellness. I use gentle techniques to remove interference and realign the body, empowering the brilliant wisdom innate to the body-mind to heal itself. My aim is to align people physically as well as with their greatest inner health so they can thrive holistically.

Alternative Medicine

As an acupressure practitioner, I use my hands to apply precise finger pressure to specific points on the body. Drawing from traditional Chinese medicine, I release blockages in the energy pathways to help restore balance and activate the body's natural healing abilities in a holistic way. My intention is to support optimal health and well-being.

Thai Stretch

As a Thai stretch therapist, I use assisted yoga postures, massage, and my own body weight to gently guide clients through therapeutic stretches. My intention is to increase joint mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. I also incorporate acupressure and mindful breathing to relieve muscle tension, boost energy flow, and bring the body and mind back into balance.

Energy Work

As a Reiki practitioner, I use gentle hands-on healing to channel life force energy through my palms to activate healing and restore balance within my clients. My intention is to support their body's innate wisdom and capacity for holistic well-being.


I can help address both acute and chronic issues including back/neck pain, headaches, arthritis, fatigue, digestive troubles, stress, anxiety, emotional imbalances, and more. My holistic modalities promote whole-body wellness.

Sessions incorporate techniques like hands-on chiropractic adjustment, Thai massage stretches, acupressure point stimulation, and Reiki energy healing based on your needs. They are relaxing yet invigorating. You will always remain clothed. 

Yes, my therapies are gentle, non-invasive, and complementary to Western medicine when needed. I customize to your health, comfort and goals.

Many experience reduced pain, increased mobility, heightened energy, lowered stress, emotional balance, and an overall sense of well-being. Improved alignment also empowers long-term health.

My reasonable rates vary by service. Please read through the services for service and package prices. I put all of my self into each session and am therefore limited to the number of sessions I can complete each day. 

At this time, I operate as an out-of-network provider. Check with your insurance about possible reimbursement for complementary medicine. I cannot make any guarantees on what they will or will not reimburse, but asking never hurts!